Equipment for Sale

May 3, 2023

Pre-Owned CNH 2800-1000 Liquid Applicator

Case 2800 Liquid Applicator Includes: 1000 Gal. Poly Tank, Adj. Clevis Hitch, Jack, 320/85R38 Single Carrier Tires at 120″ Fixed Spacing, John Blue NGP7055 Pump w/ Ground Drive, Fill Plumbing, Manifold, Front Mounted Bar, 27 Ft. Work Width, LH & RH Wings w/ Hyd. Fold, 12 Injection Colters on 30″ Spacing.  

To inquire about this product,
please contact the team
at Brothers Equipment:

Nebraska: 800-742-7746

Nationwide: 800-228- 4582